Veille tarifaire pour : Villages clubs

For whom ?

Family resorts

Precise and complete monitoring of your accommodation and that of your competitors, with the scenarios that interest you

Villages vacances

Compare accurately, simply.

The fairest price

Price adjusted according to services required

Pricing intelligence also means analysing the pricing of all the services provided by the company.

YieldBooking offers you the possibility to get the price of competitors' services you are interested by, in a simple and fast way.


Compare what is comparable

Have a look on accomodations' equipments you monitor

Extra products such as half-board or breakfast can make a difference... Do not ignore them!

Our software is there to easily collect the data related to extra products and helps you to optimise your pricing policy by comparing the right product at the right price.

Use software with your colleagues

Give an access to all your team, and manage user rights

If you wish to have multiple access, this is possible. YieldBooking offers personalized and unlimited access according to your needs.

Each user can have access to different information depending on their profile. An ergonomic and optimal user experience without worrying about privacy issues.


Guest experience

They are already using YieldBooking

Discover our software in 10 minutes only

A demo does not commit you to anything

Do you have another type of establishment?

Contact us to know if we have possibility to adapt our software to your company.

Les meilleures pratiques pour optimiser le rendement de son camping

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